Covenant Kids Consignment Sale: Sept. 11-14, 2024
Consign with us!
Consigning is the quickest way to turn your children’s gently used items into CASH. Don’t struggle to schedule meet ups that fall through on Buy/Sale/Trade pages – our sale is the ONE STOP SHOP for HUNDREDS of shoppers that pass through our doors. If your items are in good condition and priced right, they are guaranteed to sell!
There is NO FEE to consign with us! Consignors earn 66% of their sales – the other 34% is for operating costs and to help fund local youth projects!
Consignor space is LIMITED so don’t hesitate to sign up. If registration is full, you will be added to our waiting list.
Consignors earn TWO tickets to shop early at our Volunteer & Consignor Presale with entry at 7:30pm. Volunteers shop even early. Visit the VOLUNTEER tab to browse our available shifts.
Consignment Schedule Spring 2024:
Sunday, Sept. 8
4:00 - 7:00 PM
Item Drop-Off
Monday, Sept. 9
9 AM - 12 PM
Item Drop-Off
4 - 7 PM
Item Drop-Off
(Last Chance)
We are getting ready for a great sale!
Make your plans and bring a friend! We hope to see you Wed through Sat!
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Wednesday, Sept. 11 : Volunteer and Consignor Presale
(Ticket required for every entrant, except carried infants)
5 - 9 pm
"Super" Volunteer
(Ticket required)
6 - 9 PM
(Ticket required)
7 - 9 PM
* Only for consignors who brought 25+ items
(Ticket required)
Thursday, Sept. 12
5 - 9 PM
Regular Price -Sale Open to the Public
Friday, Sept. 13
9 AM - 8 PM
Regular Price -
Sale Open to
the Public
* One hour of free childcare
Saturday, Sept. 14
8 AM - 12 PM
Most Items 1/2 Price -
Sale Open to the Public
Suggested items to sell: Preemie to size 16 clothing items + infant, toddler, and children’s shoes + toys + maternityitems + games + books + videos + puzzles + playpens + strollers + high chairs + car seats +bouncers + cribs + baby gates + bikes + outdoor toys + backpacks + costumes + infant and children’s feeding supplies + bathtubs + and so much more!!!
Only spring and summer items at our March sale. Only fall and winter items at our September sale. All seasons of maternity, pajamas, and infant onesies accepted.
There are no hidden fees to consigning. You earn 66% of the selling price and Covenant's Kids Consignment Sale uses the remainder to fund local youth initiatives.
What to Expect:
Consignors price all their own items. Once registered, you would enter all your items into our online tagging software, My Consignment Manager. You input all the necessary information (size, brand, etc), then you choose your price, whether or not you’d like the item to be discounted to 50% for our half price sale, and then whether you’d like it to be donated at the end of the week if it hasn’t sold.
Consignors will drop off all tagged items, sorted by gender then size, the Sunday or Monday of sale week. You’ll choose your Check In Time once registered.
As a consignor, you either have the option to 1) donate all unsold items to local families in need or 2) pick up all remaining items after the sale is over. Pickup is the Saturday of the sale week 4:30-5:30pm. Our goal is always to have consignor checks printed at pickup (barring any technical difficulties.) YES – it’s that fast. The check could be in your hand the same day the sale ends! Only the consignor with valid photo ID can pick up the check. If you are unable to pick up in person, your check will be mailed the following Monday.
**FYI – if you choose to donate your items, they will go to a LOCAL community outreach supporting LOCAL families in need - Northwood Community Center or Ward Street Mission.
If you have ANY questions about the consignment process, you can email us at and we are happy to help!
Suggested Items to Sell:
Consignor Registration Process
- RETURNING consignors, simply LOG IN to your account.
- READ and AGREE to our Consignor Contract. Printable form can be found HERE.
Once you are logged into your consignor home page, choose your CHECK IN TIME to drop off you items and register for your VOLUNTEER shifts. Volunteering is not required, but as our sale runs on 100% volunteer power, it is greatly appreciated.
Use the MANAGE INVENTORY option on your consignor home page to ADD ITEMS. Enter all items you wish to consign to you MCM account.
PRINT tags onto white cardstock and affix to your items. Tags will be pinned with a safety pin to clothing items on the upper left side of the garment (right side if you are facing it.)
DROP OFF all your items anything during your consignor CHECK IN window. Please bring your Consignor Contract to drop off with you (CLICK HERE FOR FORM)
SPREAD THE WORD about the sale. More shoppers = more sales for all of us!
If you are not donating all unsold items, PICK UP remaining items and grab your check! If you decide to donate your remaining unsold items, they will be given to Northwood Community Center’s clothing closet to benefit LOCAL families in need.